Wednesday, 11 December 2013

Weigh-In Wednesday and January Jeans

Stepping on the scale this morning, I knew the number wouldn't be good. The cravings for salty snacks, the fatigue during the past two days, now the cramps, the bloat: I'm at 196lbs.  I know this is temporary water weight, but still I hate to see the number on the scale go up.  Ggggrrrr! I'm going to make sure that number goes down!  I'm drinking lots of water and I'm eating light.  An hour-long walk outside through the snow is on the schedule for tomorrow. 

This coming weekend and through the week next week, there are five different parties: Three with friends and two at work. The food at two of the friends' parties should have a lot of healthy choices, especially since I'm bringing some veggie dishes. The other party is at a restaurant, but I took a look at their menu online and they have very very limited healthy choices. It'll be a Chicken Caesar salad with no dressing for me. Shhh... I'm smuggling in some cherry tomatoes to add to the salad because I can't stand the flavourless pink winter tomatoes restaurants use!

Work is a different story. Both work parties next week are food-fests of baked goods. I'll bring my big mug of coffee and... I don't know yet what strategy I'll use. I do have to be there. I do have to mingle for a good period of time because the bosses will be watching and they do remember who was naughty or nice! 

January Jeans 2014!!! I'll be keeping this mantra in my mind through all these upcoming temptations this holiday season. Spilling out of a pair of tight jeans in a few weeks is not what I want.  I'd rather be forced to have buy a new pair of jeans in a smaller size :)  


  1. Bring a lemon to the restaurant (quartered, in a zip lock baggy), to dress your salad. You can thank me later. :)

    Re the work parties, here is the strategy I use at them: drink your mug of coffee. Mingle. Laugh. Have fun. And don't eat, if nothing there is safe. Don't make excuses, unless cornered, and then just smile, touch your stomach, and say "watching my weight, you know.' That's all you have to say. And with each bite of food that you do NOT take, watch your inner pride begin to swell, as you know you are doing what is right for you. Bask in that inner glow from a job well done. Relish IT, not crap junk food. :)

    1. Thanks for the tips and encouragement Gwen! I'll certainly use your strategy at the work parties!

  2. I love Gwen's response. Also, dress up beautifully and wear great jewelry and/or gorgeous shoes. Some people will be glutting while you look awesome! :D

    1. Thanks Marion, that's a great idea! I'll be less inclined to eat a messy pastry or cookie if I'm wearing a nice outfit.

  3. January jeans, I love that!
    And I also think Gwen's response is brilliant!

  4. Hi Maren, thanks for stopping by! I found out about January Jeans from Marion. It's a good way to keep me motivated through the holidays :)
