Wednesday, 26 February 2014


My weekend was great. We had a nice little thaw, we spent time outdoors in lots of sun, I felt good and had full of energy at the end of the course of antibiotics. Went to the clinic for a re-test to make sure the infection was all gone and wouldn't you know it, I picked up a nasty disgusting cold. The kind that you have to keep plenty of tissues with you wherever you go. Almost one of worst ones I've ever had. It seems to be fast moving so I hope I'm not out for too long. 

I've been a couch surfer for the past couple of days but sticking to my morning walk, even if the temperature outside has gone back to being cold, colder and cold. T'ai Chi in the evenings instead of yoga. (Can't breathe in Downward Dog!) Been taking vitamins, cleansing my nasal passages using the Neti pot, not eating much but when I do it's nutritious food and drinking lots and lots of water. Also watching tons of movies from Jackie Chan to Pride and Prejudice has kept my mind off my clogged nose and aching/pounding head. I'll catch up with reading blogs later in the week when I can focus better.

One thing I am glad I did a few weeks ago was to make a ton of soup and freeze it. Squash-carrot with a chicken bone broth base. My cravings for bready carbs that I was dealing with since Valentines have faded away for now. Thank you nasty cold!

Weight is at 190lbs, so down a pound from last week. Once I'm back to 100% health I'll re-evaluate what I'm doing to see if I can get off this 190s plateau.


  1. right there with you, sister. Day 8 of this cold (due to impending rain) is worse than Day 7 was. :(

    Get well!

  2. Hi Nikki

    I've just hopped over from Gwen's blog .... and so sorry to hear about your cold. It seems to me that colds at this time of year are always worse for some reason, I never could work out.

    Hope you feel fit and well soon

    All the best Jan
