Thursday, 18 July 2013

Heat and fighting laziness

In this city, we get heat waves all through the summer into September and while the first blast of heat and oppressive humidity comes as a shock to the system, by the second you know what to expect. The temperatures are in the 30 to 35C range and humidity makes it seem even hotter.
During times like these, I feel like crawling onto the couch and veg out in front of the television to watch classic black and white movies from the 30s and 40s while eating salty snacks and drinking cola. 
Not going to do it!  Instead I'm trying to keep moving as much as I can. In the morning, I've been walking as briskly as I can outside. If I'm feeling the heat, I'll just work out in the basement instead: Elliptical then weights.  After work, if there are no errands to run, or a second workout, I'm tending to the lawn, yanking and whipper-snipping weeds. Once that's done there are always chores to do in the house to keep me busy and away from the television.
I keep reminding myself that when I'm lean, fit and healthy, I'll probably be able to handle the heat so much better than I can now. 


  1. Good for you! I can take more heat than I used to be able too, but I do not like muggy stick weather. You're doing great with the exercise.

  2. I'm a bitch in heat or in the heat I always say, so I understand where you are coming from. But I have been thinking the same thoughts that next Summer hopefully it will be so much easier!

    Great on you that you kept moving!! :)

  3. It's crazy how those thoughts creep back into our minds so easy, but I like your thinking. You're doing everything in your power to stay on track and that's awesome... great job!

  4. Where'd you go, sweetie?
