Wednesday, 3 December 2014


Feeling kinda blah these past couple of days. I do know why partly, but the rest of the blahs is a mystery. With my mood and the freaky weather I've only been able to get outdoors and exercise a few times, however my main workouts are going to shift to the indoors i.e. my basement where the elliptical is acting as a clothes line right now.  I started yesterday morning with a few old-style exercises to get my heart pumping: jumping jacks and push-ups. I forgot how killer push-ups are.  I'm starting slowly...
Feeling out of sorts is no excuse for slacking and falling into a bag of chips.  I've been eating well, but once again I noticed my portion sizes creeping up...  not exactly  sure why my stomach is making me think I'm hungrier than usual. Likely emotional and added stress. And I started to have a cup of coffee in the afternoons in addition to my morning cup... not a good habit for me. I'll switch to decaf or tea.

The other day, I did try an experiment with using ground bison to bake a Tourtière rather than pork. It turned out really delicious! Will have to tinker a bit with the seasonings but I think it'll be a permanent change.

Weight this week is 171.3lbs. 


  1. Well, your energy level is bound to be a little low from the pneumonia. The recovery can be slower than we wish to admit. Kudos to you for keeping it real, though! :)

    1. Thanks Gwen :) Although I am struggling a little, it's not with my commitment to stay on track.

  2. I like that you're aware of your actions. Most people don't realize they have their hand in a bag of chips at all, so that's great! Hope you feel better :(

    1. Thanks for the support Kirtley! It took me years (and some counselling!) to figure out that part of emotional eating... being self-aware and then clueing in to what exactly is driving the need to eat, or overeat or make bad food choices.
