Thursday, 11 February 2021


I've been a steppin'!! Consistently getting 5000+ outdoor steps in every single day. I'm usually out walking for an hour or more and really enjoy my time outdoors, with my tunes helping to keep me on a brisk pace and not strolling.  Tonight was too cold, even for me, so I did one of those Leslie Sansone Walks inside instead, followed up with an upper body workout with weights, and did laundry. Laundry here means up and down two flights of stairs a whole bunch of times. My man huffs and puffs, but not me. Gotta put that fresh laundry or else it ends up staying in the basket or piled up somewhere. I'm proud that I've been taking a "no excuses" approach here, and it's been working. 

As for healthy eating... well... not sure what's up these past couple of weeks. I do great for four or five days, then fall off for two and eat too much, eat too much bread, or go out to "treat myself". Ugh. My nutritionist have been working on balanced meals and how to break this cycle. Starting next week, I've committed to a strict regime for the next two months, with a calorie limit, but all the meals are ones that I've chosen (and like). I will be posting my meals on Twitter for accountability... if I can remember my password there, ha! If not I'll open an Instagram account. 

Anyway current weight is 192.2 lbs, so down about 3 lbs since my last post. But to be honest, it's been bouncing up and down but this is the lowest it's been in the past couple of weeks.

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