Friday 27 December 2013

Quickie After Christmas Post

Traveling over the holidays and I've now a day at home to grab some prezzies for the next set of relatives, wash some clothes and get other chores done. This morning I weighed in at 194 lbs. Up a .8 from the last time, and honestly, I'm not feeling bad about it. Christmas Eve and Christmas Day I did eat food that I normally wouldn't: a few cookies, a couple of candy canes, some ham, gravy on turkey, cranberry, tourtiere (meat pie), lemon meringue pie. 

However, I watched my portions and didn't have second helpings. There was a crate of mandarin oranges from Maroc so I turned to those instead of chocolate. I wasn't able to get in too much outdoor activity due to an ice storm and slick sidewalks. Oh well, we spent a lot of quality time indoors with the family... and that is what the holidays are really all about :)


  1. up .8 since before Christmas is great, Nikki! I'm sure it's a huge improvement from last year, and that's what it's all about! Happy new year!

  2. .8 is nothing! That is absolutely well done on you I think!!
