Wednesday 2 July 2014

More of the same and Wednesday Weigh in

The numbers on that scale don't lie, I'm at 182.3lbs. So holding pretty well steady for the past while. I don't mind too much. This medication I've been on has been challenging. The fatigue and occasional bloating, just ick. Anyway, another month on the meds to go.

I've had some close calls with cravings and such but most of the time, I've been able to let them pass. Mostly. I did have a 1/2 cup of lime green jello this past weekend. I still have no clue why I've been craving that for the past few weeks. But that 1/2 cup did the trick and I'm not craving anymore. It's rare that I have sugary stuff. I've reduced the amounts of sugar I consume and when I do have some sweetness, it's maple syrup, honey or stevia, in small amounts.

Was a good girl on Canada Day. Did not indulge but waved my red and white flag instead!


  1. Green jello is my favourite too! For me though, it's not sugar that calls my name, but salt. Chips and all that fun stuff. Slowly I've been having less cravings though!

    1. Glad your cravings are getting less strong Shannon! For some folks the cravings stay Strong, with a capital S.

      I have a sweet tooth, a salty tooth, a savoury carb tooth... I can go on and on :) But I find my cravings have changed to actually looking forward to a big salad with mixed grilled veggies, a bit of avocado and grilled fish or chicken on the side. Funny that! I would not have even imagined that 10 years ago!

  2. Oh--green jello...LOVE IT. Staying steady beats gaining any day! I'm glad you're a month away from being done with the medicine. That does not sound fun. Good to read about your cravings subsiding! Congrats on having a wonderful Canada Day! Our 4th of July Independence Day celebration is tomorrow... wish me well! ;)

    1. Thanks Sean! Looking forward to being done with them too.
      Good luck today with the celebrations :)
